Readers : Page 16
Meet our readers: Sarah Riccio
Sarah Riccio is a vile, loathsome being who refrains from spontaneous violent rampage by harboring the juvenile fantasy that her words are actually worth listening to from time to time. A squirming pile of malformed flesh since birth, Sarah used...
Meet our readers: Malcolm Chang
Malcolm Chang reports: "I currently reside in Jackson Heights, but I have also lived in Johannesburg, Toronto, Chicago, and Los Angeles, amongst others. I was born during the apartheid era and as a third generation Chinese-South African, have been regarded...
Meet our readers: Sherese Francis
Sherese Francis is a Queens-based published poet, writer and blogger. Currently she runs the blog Futuristically Ancient, where she writes about the arts and cultures of the African Diaspora through an afrofuturist lens. Additionally she is the literary director of...