Support this amazing interactive mystery/fantasy by CJ Bernstein


The Monarch Papers by CJ Bernstein
Every so often, we at Line Break like to shine a spotlight on new projects by our past readers. Boy oh boy, do we have a great one for you today!

CJ Bernstein wowed our audiences twice last year with a fairy tale steeped in the mythology of the world of The Monarch Papers, the interactive mystery/fantasy novel on which he was hard at work at the time.

Now, nearly a year later, The Monarch Papers is live and underway. It's a beautiful, complex, immersive project that defies description, so we'll just borrow this description from Mr. Bernstein himself:

The Monarch Papers is a completely free interactive literary experience. Part novel, part game, you are the missing piece in a puzzle that’s remained unsolved for a thousand years.

This is not just a story you read. You participate in it directly, through social media and blogs. You solve puzzles, you collaborate with other players, interact with the characters, and even influence the direction of the story. Best of all, it's not too late to start playing!

The Monarch Papers is 100% free, though if you feel so moved, you can support the project via Patreon. But whether you do or not, we hope you'll start reading and playing today. It's truly an experience like no other.

Line Break

About Us

Line Break is an eclectic monthly reading series showcasing a mix of fiction, poetry and essays. We are currently on hiatus.