Nancy Hightower has published short fiction and poetry in journals such as The New York Quarterly, storySouth, Sundog Lit, Gargoyle, Bop Dead City, and Word Riot. Her debut novel, Elementarí Rising (2013), received a starred review in Library Journal, and her first collection of poetry, The Acolyte (2015), has been nominated for an Elgin Award by the Science Fiction Poetry Association.
Currently, she reviews science fiction and fantasy for The Washington Post and is working on a book about digital fictions with Paul D. Miller (a/k/a DJ Spooky). Nancy also co-hosts the Liars’ League NYC Reading Series with Andrew Lloyd Jones.
Please join Nancy and all our accomplished readers for Line Break #2, Saturday, July 2, 5:30 pm at Q.E.D. in Astoria!.
A steal at only 5 bucks! Get your tickets now.